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How I’ve Made so Much Progress in Such Little Time

goal setting mindset Dec 05, 2016

If you could spend less than one hour a day for five days to completely change the course of your life, and set yourself up for your best year ever, would you?  


For the past two years I’ve done just that. I never really knew the benefit of reviewing my year each year and taking the time to plan out the upcoming year. But when I adopted the concept, I saw my life completely transform. 


Complete transformation doesn’t come from changing one or two things; for example, losing weight, ending an unsatisfactory relationship, or changing a career. Complete transformation, and the corresponding feelings of fulfilment, come from changing the majority of the key areas in your life. 


In 2014, I signed up for and completed Michael Hyatt’s online course, ‘Best Year Ever’. Michael is a former Chairman and CEO of Thomas Nelson publishers. He has published eight books and two of those made the New York Times bestseller list. Signing up for this course gave me the foundation to discover what I really wanted, create balance in my life and to live with passion.  


The first year I did it (2015), I did the independent study and had an unbelievable year. I got myself out of most of the debt I’d gotten myself into the year before. I travelled to Laguna Beach in Southern California for a workshop I received free admission to and made some incredible connections. I started a business I’d been thinking about for six years, I launched this blog, and I started living the life I wanted to live—the way I wanted to live it. At the end of the year, I truly believed this had been my best year ever. Enter 2016.


In the second year (2016), I decided to do the VIP study and I certainly had my Best Year Ever! I was asked to manage a project, which I was paid +$100,000/pa to consult on; I was invited to be a regular guest on the radio program, Balls ’n’ All; and I was asked to lecture in the Health & Physical Education units of the Education program at my local university. I don’t tell you this to gloat or try to impress you, but rather to try and impress upon you how this course has changed my life. I paid off all my remaining debt, finally got myself ahead financially, took 2 family holidays and feel more relaxed, empowered and fulfilled than ever before. 


Believe me when I say, this course has changed my life and allowed me to live my Best Year Ever. And what’s true about the title for returning alumni like myself, each year just keeps getting better. I was talking to the Assistant Principal of my children’s school recently, and former leader of a leadership program I was apart of, and she said to me, “Your trajectory truly has been exponential”. I explained how over the past two years, some new opportunity has presented itself that I could never have imagined just six months earlier. And that’s been the case every six months for the past two years. 


If you’re ready to make 2017 YOUR Best Year Ever. Sign Up now. 




If you still want to know more, here are 5 more reasons I specifically love this course. 


  1. Creates a belief in the possibility. Just like push starting a car, the hardest part is the first part. It’s easy to get cynical and fall into old habits of limited beliefs. You actually have all the resources available to you right now to be successful. Gaining clarity is essential and the Best Year Ever course teaches you how to gain this clarity. 
  2. Reviews the past. You can move forward without reviewing the past but by doing so, you risk making the same mistakes over and over again. It’s important to acknowledge your past (good and bad), learn from those experiences (good and bad) and adjust your behaviour accordingly. This is probably my favourite part of the whole course. 

  3. Designs your future. The purpose of the course is to create your best year ever. Therefore, you need to design how you want your life to look in the future. The best way to do this is through goal setting and that’s what this course is essentially all about. I really like the detail this course goes into to ensure your goals are written effectively, aligned with your core values, and that consideration is given to how they will change your life. 

  4. Connects your head with your heart. Regular goal setting is often made with the head only. Connecting with your goals emotionally is essential to making them a reality. Whenever you create a goal, there are inevitably two periods when motivation subsides and giving up becomes favourable. These are what Michael calls the ‘messy middle’ and that point when your deadline is nearing but you still have an insurmountable amount to do. Connecting with your goals emotionally helps safeguard against these periods and gives you compelling reasons to keep moving forward. Best year ever teaches you how to connect with your goals emotionally in order to sustain motivation and overcome these inevitable obstacles. 

  5. Creates an action plan to make it all happen. Even the best made plans are futile if not accompanied by a well prepared action plan. The most important part of any plan is how you will put it into action and then actually acting upon it. I love the saying I got from Michael, which is, “what doesn’t get scheduled, doesn’t get done”. It’s so true. The fifth reason I love this course, and will be doing it again this year, is the 7-point action plan you get for moving forward and making your goals a reality.


I’m about to enter my third year of the Best Year Ever course and it continues to evolve. Michael takes what he learns each year to create an even better course and it continues to meet my needs. If you’d like to join me for the class of 2017, sign up here [http://bestyearever.me/a19055/2017byesales]. Enrolment is only open at one time of the year—right now! But the enrolment period is limited so you must act fast. If you want to take advantage of the early bird pricing, click this link now http://bestyearever.me/a19055/2017byesales


See you on the inside ;-) 


Make 2017 your best year ever!


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