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How to Accelerate Healing With Your Mind healing mind mindset psychology Nov 20, 2022

The mind is a powerful tool and can be used to heal. Just like taking a pill that does nothing at all, the belief that the pill will cure you, can actually in fact, cure you - or at least reduce or...

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How to Reverse Your Ageing According to David Sinclair ageing exercise fitness genetics health mindset nutrition Jul 27, 2020
By Jacob Andreae

Most people say they would feel content to live anywhere from 80-120 years of age. However, it’s living healthy and disease-free that most people desire rather than number of...

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Lessons from the 21-Day Push Up Challenge challenge health mental health mindset Jun 08, 2020
By Jacob Andreae

The 21-day push up challenge is an Australian initiative. There is a strong correlation between exercise and mental health, which drives their motto, ‘Push for Better’....

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How a Positive Mind Really Can Create a Healthier Body brain cognition exercise fitness health mindset nutrition stress May 25, 2020
By Jacob Andreae

What you think about — everything from the food you eat to the stress you experience — directly influences how your body responds. Even doing all the right things for...

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A Brief History of the Brain brain evolution history mindset May 18, 2020
By Jacob Andreae

Around 200,000 years ago, our brains stopped growing, and about 10,000 years ago, they actually began to shrink. The human brain is the most powerful “computer” on the...

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The You Delusion: Why Your Sense of Self is Just a Trick of the Mind brain consciousness mindset psychology Apr 20, 2020
By Jacob Andreae

Who are you? Really ponder that question. I bet you come up with your name. But who is that strange combination of letters, which are just sounds that come from the way you push...

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Mindset, Lockdown and Quarantine in China china fitness mindset quarantine strength & conditioning Apr 06, 2020
By Loris Bertolacci

I write this more to explain the stages of my emotions, how I perceived this situation and how I changed or evolved my coping strategies or even perceptions as it all evolved.


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How to Get Back on Track with Your New Years Resolutions eating exercise goals health healthy jacob andreae life coach mindset new years resolutions weight loss wellness Mar 18, 2019

It’s that time of year when, despite the best of intentions and steely grit to get fit again, you start to feel yourself slipping. The 5-mornings-a-week exercise regime and Sunday arvo food...

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The Discipline Conundrum: When to Exert Self-Control and When to Cut Yourself Some Slack exercise fitness health jacob andreae life coach mindset nutrition self discipline weight loss Feb 19, 2019

The ability to exert self-control is considered a fundamental trait of people who are successful. It has been a long held view since Walter Mischel’s marshmallow experiments of the 1960s that...

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5 Benefits of a 5-Day Challenge 5-day challenge challenge exercise fitness health jacob andreae life coach lifestyle lifestyle change mindset weight loss Sep 18, 2018

Imagine if you could wave a magical wand and wallah, you were living the life you’ve always dreamed of. That’s what challenges allow you to do. Challenges have become incredibly...

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How to Get Motivated for Exercise exercise healthy jacob andreae life coach lifestyle mindset motivation weightloss Aug 21, 2018

We all know we should be exercising. But for many people, finding the motivation to exercise, and the ongoing motivation to make it a habit, is extremely difficult.

For a while now...

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Know Someone With a Crazy Unhealthy Habit? 3 Ideas for Them bad habits change habits health lifestyle mindset May 28, 2018

It’s okay not to be 100% healthy, 100% of the time. For most of us, some of the most enjoyable things in life are a little bit unhealthy. Take eating pizza and drinking beer while watching...

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