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Spider Milk: A New Super Milk back to basics health jacob andreae life coach nutrition science spiders Mar 11, 2019

When you think of spiders, you probably don’t think of milk. But it turns out that some of these tiny little 8-legged arachnids are full of some pretty good stuff.

When I first came across...

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The Ketogenic Diet: How and Why does it Work? diet fat loss human body keto ketosis nutrition science the ketogenic diet weight loss Mar 12, 2018

To say this diet has taken the health and fitness industry by storm is an understatement. There have been many diets that have been promoted as the best diet EVER over my fifteen years in the...

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5 Scientifically Proven Stress Hacks mindset science stress Dec 12, 2016

Getting stressed is a part of life. It’s a common emotion in today’s day and age and a healthy one from an evolutionary standpoint. Getting highly stressed over an extended period of...

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