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Written in collaboration between Jacob and J-BOT (our AI assistant)
For decades, saturated fat has been vilified as a nutritional enemy, accused of causing heart disease and other health problems....
Written in collaboration between Jacob and J-BOT (our AI assistant)
In the world of nutrition, fats have often received a bad reputation. For years, people have been conditioned to believe that fat...
Training is only part of the process in improving your athletic performance. Training breaks down and damages your body. To achieve any improvement in performance you must do more than train, you...
In 2014, I got really sick. I was so burnt out I literally couldn’t get off the floor. I followed all the recommended guidelines for physical activity and the healthy food pyramid. But...
By Jacob Andreae
Most people say they would feel content to live anywhere from 80-120 years of age. However, it’s living healthy and disease-free that most people desire rather than number of...
By Jacob Andreae
What you think about — everything from the food you eat to the stress you experience — directly influences how your body responds. Even doing all the right things for...
By Jacob Andreae
The dietary supplement industry is a billion dollar industry. Supplements can provide you with a sense of security against a less-than-perfect diet, and make you feel like you are...
By Jacob Andreae
There is currently so many milk alternatives on the market. Soy, almond, cashew, macadamia, oat, rice, coconut, flax, hemp, and of course, the O.G… cow! There’s even...
Over time, eating junk food can make you sick. The trans fats, sugars and preservatives added to food builds up and your body can’t function properly. But the other stuff in foods that can...
Fasting has been a part of religious practice for thousands of years. But in the past five years, it received mainstream popularity on the back of animal studies showing that skipping meals had...
We spend so much time, energy and money on food, shouldn’t we be enjoying it? Mindful eating is a strategy to be fully present with your senses during the process of eating in order to...
Pudding is synonymous with Christmas. But it is traditionally unhealthy and can unwrap your health goals quicker than my 4 kids opening presents from Santa on Christmas morning.
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