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Shake Diets: Good or Bad? nutrition Sep 19, 2016

Shake diets can help you lose weight FAST! There are also many stories of people losing weight fast but putting it all back on again though. Shake diets have been controversial because they no...

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Exercises for People with PCOS health Sep 12, 2016

PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. It is a condition in which women have an imbalance of the hormones, oestrogen and progesterone. This leads to the growth of cysts on the ovaries. These...

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How to Create a Reward System for Exercising mindset psychology Sep 05, 2016

Do you want to start exercising? Do you want to exercise more? How do people who lose massive amounts of weight, or run a marathon for the first time, do it? One of the strategies is a simple hack...

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Is Calorie Counting Good or Bad? health nutrition Aug 29, 2016

The idea of counting calories has been around for a long time. It became popular around the turn of the 20th century when a scientist by the name of Wilbur Atwater noticed that the energy of food...

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The Most Memorable Moments of the Rio Olympics olympics sport Aug 22, 2016

The 2016 Olympic Games has been one of the most memorable olympic games in history. Billions of people tuned in to watch the world’s best athletes go head-to-head. We saw athlete’s...

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Low Impact Exercises for Beginners beginner exercise fitness low-impact Aug 15, 2016

As a physical literacy consultant at the Northern Territory Institute of Sport I fully understand the importance of physical literacy. Matching one’s level of physical literacy with the...

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Top 6 Functional Medicine Blogs you Should be Reading functional medicine Aug 08, 2016

There’s a growing trend in society to learn more about substances like gluten. Behind this growing popularity is a group of doctors who believe food is the root cause of many of the worlds...

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What is Gluten? gluten gluten free health nutrition Jul 25, 2016

“Just eliminate gluten and see what happens”. That’s what a naturopath said to me when I presented to him with fatigue. At the time I was like, “What is gluten?” I...

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What is Pokemon GO? health movement Jul 18, 2016

Pokemon GO has taken the world by storm. It seems as though one day we were all living our lives as we knew it, and the next we were either out chasing Pokemon’s or asking what the hell they...

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The 7 Habits of Highly Healthy People habits mindset Jul 11, 2016

Just in the way highly effective people have common habits, so to do highly healthy people. I’ve been observing highly healthy people with interest for two decades and through those...

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What Exercises Should I do to Lose Weight? exercise fitness weight loss Jul 04, 2016

When I’m taking a fitness session for a client, whether it’s my morning boot camp group, a corporate group, or a sporting team, one of the most common questions I’m asked is,...

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Hacks We Use to Manage our Family family organisation Jun 27, 2016

A common statement Holly and I hear is, “I don’t know how you do everything you do with four kids.” We had four kids in five years so I don’t really know any different. What...

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