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This time of year is renowned for starting new exercise regimes. It’s also a time when people who are used to regular physical exercise get back into it after their well deserved break....
We all start the new year full of hopes, dreams and anticipation. Well… hopes and dreams feel nice but they aren’t a plan. They aren’t anything but a thought and a feeling unless...
The festive season is upon us. It’s a chance to enjoy the hard work you’ve put in all year. Now is a great time to relax, socialise and be merry. It’s also a time that can be...
So you’ve been asked to give a graduation speech? Congratulations! That’s a credit to you as a person, and whoever asked you definitely rates you highly. Preparation is critical to...
The other week I facilitated a 2-day team building workshop. It was a live-in workshop held out of town, on a beach with limited network connection. It was an awesome location and an awesome group...
Christmas is a little over a month away and the department stores are stacked full of christmas goodies and decorations. The seed is being planted to let you know that it’s time to start...
Although I write personal anecdotes in most blogs, this blog is a very personal story. It’s about how deep I got into financial debt and what I did to dig myself out of it. This week marks a...
You can win at so many things but have you ever contemplated winning at life? Since becoming a father, I’ve become less driven to succeed at one area of my life and almost obsessed with...
If you’re like most people, you could use more money, energy and time. They’re the three most common things people wish they had more of. If you feel as though you’re always short...
Owning your own business is hard work at every stage. You need determination and a desire to achieve. You can’t ever be content. That’s what makes it appealing, right?
You know that moment when you find yourself in space on the field and you know you’re the best option? That voice in your head though, doubts whether you should call for the ball. What if you...
One of the two things people want more of, is time. We all get the same amount of time, so the issue isn’t with somehow miraculously gaining more time. The answer lies in using the time we...
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