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MYB 036: What Sport Looks Like for the 99% ~ with Tim Ellison #business #coaching #education #fitness #goals #health #sports Mar 28, 2021


Tim has a background in engineering with exposure to the aircraft industry, the dental profession, and the mining industry. He now works as a Coach and Athlete Development consultant and...

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MYB 035: Systemisation for Success ~ with Maura Vella #business #coaching #education #fitness #goals #yoga Mar 14, 2021


Think a crow pose has nothing to do with business? Maura's love of yoga led her to build a chain of thriving yoga studios which she led for more than a decade. Uniquely in tune with how to...

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MYB 034: When You Know Your WHY, You’ll Know Your WAY ~ with Cherise Beardsley #adventure #education #fitness #goals #health #machupicchu #travel #yoga Feb 28, 2021



Cherise Ann Beardsley is an International Business Consultant and Founder of WHY Coaching & Consulting. She’s a world traveler, proud foodie, and business strategist who...

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MYB 033: Why Small Health & Fitness Businesses Fail ~ with Myken Daeda yoga Feb 21, 2021



Myken proudly wears the midwestern badge of honour, while loudly cheering on the Wisconsin Packers and Badger teams! Having gained her degree in Marketing, her actual true knowledge,...

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MYB 032: How to Build a Profitable Boutique Fitness Studio and Get Your Freedom Back ~ with Lise Kuecker yoga Feb 08, 2021



Lisa Kuecker is a serial entrepreneur, military spouse, and mother of 2, who built her multi-7 figure boutique fitness studios across the United States. In 2016, she accepted a...

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MYB 031: Multi-Millionaire to Bankruptcy to Shipping Container Yoga Studio Owner ~ with Chris Downham yoga Feb 01, 2021



After years being in financial services and property businesses with his identical twin, in 2019 Chris decided to make a complete change.  Chris changed his businesses, his...

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MYB 030: Concussion in Sport ~ with Prof Alan Pearce PhD brain Jan 25, 2021



Professor Alan Pearce is a neuroscientist with an interest in understanding the physiology of the brain following mild brain injury. He has been focussed on this area since 2008 and...

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MYB 029: Using Manifestation to Lose Over 100 lbs and Change the Direction of Your Life ~ with Adam Schaeuble manifestation Jan 18, 2021



Adam, aka The PHD (previously heavy dude), hit a rock bottom moment in his life where he weighed 327lbs (148kg). He then went on his own 100lb (45kg) weight loss journey, and as he...

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How to Reverse Your Ageing According to David Sinclair ageing exercise fitness genetics health mindset nutrition Jul 27, 2020
By Jacob Andreae

Most people say they would feel content to live anywhere from 80-120 years of age. However, it’s living healthy and disease-free that most people desire rather than number of...

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Lessons from the 21-Day Push Up Challenge challenge health mental health mindset Jun 08, 2020
By Jacob Andreae

The 21-day push up challenge is an Australian initiative. There is a strong correlation between exercise and mental health, which drives their motto, ‘Push for Better’....

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Heal Yourself While You Sleep Through Lucid Dreaming brain health mental health psychology sleep Jun 01, 2020
By Jacob Andreae

Lucid dreaming is a state in which you are asleep and dreaming, but aware, and can control your dreams. Sounds pretty cool, right?! Apart from being cool, it could be used to heal...

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How a Positive Mind Really Can Create a Healthier Body brain cognition exercise fitness health mindset nutrition stress May 25, 2020
By Jacob Andreae

What you think about — everything from the food you eat to the stress you experience — directly influences how your body responds. Even doing all the right things for...

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