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Discover everything you need to know about fitness, nutrition, and even sport psychology, so you can maximise your performance.

What is my Target Heart Rate? fitness Mar 20, 2017

Heart rate is the number of times your heart beats in a minute. The target part refers to getting your heart rate to sit within a certain number of beats. This is a particularly common thing to do...

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What is Basal Metabolic Rate and How Do I Work it Out? fitness Mar 13, 2017

The human body requires a huge amount of energy just to function. Breathing, blinking and beating your heart requires a significant amount of energy. Just staying alive takes a lot of work....

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Should I Do Strength or Cardio Training First? fitness Mar 06, 2017

At the end of the day, all that really matters is that you’re moving. But depending on what your goals are and your purpose for doing exercise in the first place, the order that you structure...

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If I lift Weights, Will I Get Bigger Muscles? fitness Feb 27, 2017

Putting on muscle is a very common concern for many women when they start a new exercise program. When women ask me to help them lose weight, and I suggest strength exercises, they respond with...

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How to Train for Your Body Type fitness Feb 20, 2017

Based on the composition of your body and how it stores fat, you can be categorised as one of three body types. Those body types are:


Ectomorph: Like a ruler. Ectomorph’s have a skinny...

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Is a Vegan Diet Good or Bad? nutrition vegan Feb 13, 2017

It’s cheaper. It saves animals from suffering. And it’s better for the environment. These are all reasons you hear for going vegan. But is it actually healthier for you? 



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How to Get Fit in 2 Weeks exercise fitness Feb 06, 2017

There are different types of fitness - aerobic (endurance), anaerobic (speed), mobility and strength. Considering yourself fit depends on what type of fitness you’re referring to. For the...

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How to Lose Belly Fat fitness Jan 30, 2017

Losing fat from around the belly is probably the hardest part of the body to lose fat from. It’s the last part of the body to lose fat and the first part gain it. 


Whenever I feel...

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My Theme for 2017 is Discipline goal setting mindset Jan 23, 2017

All the world’s most productive and successful people conduct reviews. It is an essential activity for any highly performing person or team. Without conducting reviews, you are destined to...

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Pros and Cons of Pre-Made Meals nutririon Jan 16, 2017

It’s 6:00pm. You just got home from a long day at work. You’re tired and you’re hungry. You look in the fridge and stare blankly for something to eat, or ideas on what to cook for...

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Should I Exercise on my Holiday? exercise Jan 09, 2017

Staying on track is the major theme my readers say they struggle with when it comes to health and fitness. The holidays present a major hurdle when it comes to staying on track. If the holidays...

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Why Yoga Should be Your New Year’s Fitness Resolution fitness Jan 02, 2017

The practice of yoga can be traced back to 5,000 years ago and potentially even double that time. The distinct difference of yoga, to almost every other form of exercise, is its unique blend of...

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